Books, Zines, and Other Art Projects
If you would like to purchase any of the work on this page, please visit my online store at the BUY tab or email me directly at
If you are an artmaker of any kind interested in collaborating on a project, I love a good prompt and get a lot of energy from working with other creative folks. Let’s do something cool together!
“Dead Cities, Reconsidered,” flash fiction chapbook produced as part of the Studio Fellowship Program at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center. Letterpress and linocut print illustrations.
Broadsides from “Dead Cities, Reconsidered,” produced as part of the Studio Fellowship Program at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center. Letterpress and linocut.
“Dead Cities, Reconsidered,” flash fiction chapbook produced as part of the Studio Fellowship Program at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center. Letterpress and linocut.
Mini-zines,“Montezuma Man Arrested for Throwing Television at Juvenile” and “Missed Connections.” Interiors.
Mini-zines,“Montezuma Man Arrested for Throwing Television at Juvenile” and “Missed Connections.” Front and back covers.
“Open Waters,” “Circle of Stones,” “Proxies,” and “Driving Dark” short story singles. Covers.
“Open Waters” short story single. Interior.
“Circle of Stones,” short story single. Interior.
“Either Way They Expect You to Drown,” prints + text in collaboration with Trevor Grabill of Flat Mountains Press.
“Indulgences,” memoir + photo. Cover.
Postcards, various.
“Indulgences,” memoir + photo. Cover.
“Equilibriums,” handbound photobook made at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. Title page.
“Equilibriums,” handbound photobook made at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. Exterior.
“Treacherous Bouquet: A Nursery for the False-Hearted,” collaboration with Trevor Grabill of Flat Mountains Press. Cover.
“The Eleventh Annual Tuscola County Kissing Contest,” collaboration with Trevor Grabill of Flat Mountains Press. Interior.
“Equilibriums,” handbound photobook made at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. Interior.
“Treacherous Bouquet: A Nursery for the False-Hearted,” collaboration with Trevor Grabill of Flat Mountains Press. Interior.
Casebound journal made at Kalamazook Book Arts Center.
“The Eleventh Annual Tuscola County Kissing Contest,” collaboration with Trevor Grabill of Flat Mountains Press. Cover.